2021年06月15日 薛八一-一 微博

@青浅Qingreen 掌控成分色谱,净享纯净初肌。我的首款仙气星球礼盒来了!黑头泥+熬夜蜜+水绷带的三重联合,轻松打造干净脸~礼盒还可自由DIY~快来pick我的同款焕肤礼盒吧,青浅携手薛八一,用极致的自由与纯粹,让一切重新被定义。#青浅养出初恋脸#


@青浅Qingreen Control the composition spectrum, and enjoy the pure primary muscle. My first Xianqi planet gift box is here! The triple combination of blackhead mud + staying up late honey + water bandage can easily create a clean face ~ the gift box can also be DIYed freely ~ come and pick my skin rejuvenation gift box of the same style, Qingqian and Xue Bayi, with the ultimate freedom and purity, let Everything is redefined. #青浅养出初恋脸#



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