2021年07月16日 薛八一-一 微博

@Mamonde梦妆 以花为钥,匠心至上,专注科研,不断创新,呈现肌肤之美,让每一个你美得更加耀眼真实。网页链接 #梦妆星推官薛八一# 来到梦妆微信商城直播间,陪你狂欢“一”夏,亲手送出我的手签海报,独家周边,同款护肤爆品和万元好礼。
快来感受@Mamonde梦妆 赋予的肌肤之美,和我一起度过这个夏日狂欢夜! [薛八一超话] https://weibo.com/5894823056/KoZiQAfWm

I appeared in a red dress at the Creation Camp, faithful to the stage, and carried my dreams forward.
@Mamonde梦妆 takes flowers as the key, ingenuity comes first, focuses on scientific research, keeps innovating, presents the beauty of the skin, and makes each of you more dazzling and real. Web link #梦妆星推官薛八一# Come to the live broadcast room of Mengzhuang WeChat Mall to accompany you in the carnival of the “One” summer, and personally send out my hand-signed poster, exclusive peripherals, the same skin care products and gifts worth 10,000 yuan.
Come and feel the beauty of the skin given by @Mamonde梦妆, and spend this summer carnival night with me! [薛八一超话]



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